“Passion to talk, Talk to inspire”
Mon, 11 Jan
We are very lucky to have Ms. Brenda Hui, the founder of Make a Change campaign, to be our first ever “Passion to talk, Talk to inspire” guest speaker and share with us her 11 years of service experience in Cambodia.

Time & Location
11 Jan 2021, 18:00 – 19:30
About the Event
We are very lucky to have Ms. Brenda Hui, the founder of Make a Change campaign, to be our first ever “Passion to talk, Talk to inspire” guest speaker and share with us her 11 years of service experience in Cambodia. Date: January 11, 2021 Time: 1800-1930 Zoom link: https://cuhk.zoom.us/j/95264391097?pwd=bGUzQ0ZIUnorNmk3bE9YNVEwVG1IZz09 (You may directly enter the talk using the link in our Instagram Bio) Participants will receive a certificate of participation, moreover the activity will be count as a OLE / CAS minor ✨ This is a rare opportunity, so seize your chance and come join our meaningful talk! Hope to see you all~ #actionnow #dc #dreamcompasioneers #foreverychild #dc_passiontotalktalktoinspire #cambodia #cambodia🇰🇭 #makeachange #inspirationaltalk #schoolchildren #education #school #thirdworldchildren #charitytalk #charitywebinar #educationissocialjustice #childrenrights #childrenrightsarehumanrights #educationactivist #childreneducation #volunteeringabroad #volunteercambodia