We are very lucky to have Prof. Poon Ming Kay, the Associate Professor of the Department of Chinese Language and Literature at CUHK, as well as the Dean of Students at Wu Yee Sun College, to be our third regular “Passion to talk, Talk to inspire” online guest speaker and walk us through the theme of this event - “Stories are meant to be told, and this story is meant to be heard.”
Participants will receive a certificate of participation, moreover, the activity will be count as an OLE/ CAS minor. Hope to see you all.
Date: March 27, 2021
Time: 1100- 1200
Platform: Zoom
• Zoom link: https://cuhk.zoom.us/j/95264391097?pwd=bGUzQ0ZIUnorNmk3bE9YNVEwVG1IZz09