We are very lucky to have Ms Vivian Looi, a DGS outstanding student graduate, now a Biomedical Engineering student at John Hopkins University, as well as a youth leader and founder of EdQuity (an initiative promoting educational equity in Hong Kong) to be our fourth “Passion to talk, Talk to inspire - Student Leader Series” online guest speaker and share with us her founding experience behind EdQuity in Hong Kong and the US. Take note that Dream Compassioneers will be holding a special “Student Leader Series” every 4 months! Hope to see you all!
Participants will receive a certificate of participation, moreover, the activity will be count as an OLE/ Service Experience/ CAS minor.
Date: April 24, 2021
Time: 1200 - 1300 HKT
Platform: Zoom
• Zoom link: https://cuhk.zoom.us/j/95264391097?pwd=bGUzQ0ZIUnorNmk3bE9YNVEwVG1IZz09
#actionnow#dc#dreamcompassioneers#foreverychild#童夢同行#教育#childreninneed#education#dc_見賢思齊#dc_passiontotalktalktoinspire#雷雅嵐#VivianLooi#Edquity #education_equity#youth#youth_empowerment#hk#education#change#changemakers#edquityhk#educationalequity#educationalequality#hkyouths#youthempowerment#mentors#youthvolunteering#teenagersvolunteering#educationaltechnology