於2018年,世界上有數百萬兒童在沒有基本衛生設施的情況下上學。 全球大約有30%以上的學校並不提供安全的飲用水。三分之一的學校沒有提供最基本的洗手間設施,近9億學童的學校沒有提供合規格的洗手設施。 但是,學習正確衛生習慣對學童非常重要。長遠而言,他們可以在自己的家庭和社區中引起積極的改變。(聯合國新聞,2018)
Currently, millions of children are attending school without basic hygiene facilities. Roughly over 30% of schools worldwide do not provide safe drinking water, a third of schools not providing the most basic toilet facilities, and nearly 900 million children attending schools with no handwashing facilities with soap and water. However, with that having said, children with learnt proper hygiene habits at school can lead a positive long term behaviour in their homes and communities. (UN News, 2018)
